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Eyelid Surgery Recovery FAQ


Eyelid Surgery Recovery

Will I have bandages after eyelid surgery?
After eyelid surgery, all that is needed to cover the surgical site is ointment. You will not have bandages over your eyes.

Can I wear glasses after eyelid lift surgery?
After blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), you will have ointment inside and on your eyelids. This may make your vision blurry for the first day or two, or for as long as you are instructed to apply the ointment. (The ointment can be used to prevent dryness as well as to minimize the risk of infection). Due to swelling and delicate incisions, you will not be able to insert contact lenses for at least a week, therefore if you wear glasses, make sure you have them handy. Dark sunglasses will not only camouflage your incisions if you have to go out into public, but will also protect your sensitive eyes from the bright sunlight.

Will having eyelid surgery affect my vision?
Eyelid surgery will not change your vision, but for a few days after surgery, your vision may be blurry due to swelling or ointment. If you have excess eyelid skin that is obstruction your vision, then you may be able to see more of your visual field after eyelid surgery.

Can I wear my contact lenses after eyelid surgery? What about glasses?
You will be able to wear glasses, but not contacts since pulling on your eyelids to insert and remove contact lenses pulls on the incision.

If I’m having eyelid surgery with just local anesthesia, can I drive myself home?
You will not be allowed to drive yourself home after eyelid surgery because the ointment and swelling can make your vision blurry. Also, if you are anxious before surgery, Dr Hoenig may give you some medicine to relax you which would impair your ability to operate a vehicle.

Is there a lot of swelling after eyelid surgery?
The thin skin of the eyelids is very susceptible to swelling, and even a small amount of fluid accumulation can create puffiness. To minimize swelling and speed your recovery, you should keep your head and shoulders elevated, even when sleeping for the first week. It is a good idea to use an extra pillow on your bed after eyelid surgery. Sleeping on your back, rather than on one side, will prevent the fluid from shifting to one side and creating asymmetry. Do not bend forward or have your head beneath the level of your shoulders as this will increase the pressure in your eyelids and create more fluid and swelling to be pushed out. If you need to pick something up, you can do so by squatting down. For the first 24 to 48 hours after blepharoplasty, cold compresses rotated every 20 minutes or so while you are awake will further help to prevent fluid accumulation.

How much bruising can I expect after eyelid surgery?
Because the eyelid skin is so thin and vascular (with a good blood supply), you will probably be bruised after any eyelid surgery. You could get a bruise just from the injection of local anesthetic before the eyelid surgery even begins. The bruising tends to dissipate on its own within a week to 10 days.

Do the stitches used for eyelid surgery dissolve on their own?
If you have incision on the skin after eyelid surgery, they will need to be taken out. Dr Hoenig will remove them 1 week after surgery. Once the stitches are out, it is especially important not to pull, tug, rub, or put any pressure on the eyelids. If you have internal sutures, these are dissolvable and will disappear on their own within a few days. (Internal stitches are used for eyelid ptosis surgery on the upper eyelids and fat repositioning surgery on the lower eyelids).

Sometimes this stitches inside the eye can be very irritating, causing redness, tearing, and discomfort. If this is the case, tell your doctor because he may be able to remove the suture, or your irritation may be a sign of another problem such as an infection that needs addressing.

Will the eyelid surgery scar be noticeable? Where are the scars?
The thin eyelid skin tends to heal extremely well and the incisions are well hidden. On the upper eyelid, the incision is placed in the crease of lid. If you are having upper eyelid muscle tightening surgery (ptosis repair), the incision is usually on the inside of the upper eyelid and therefore not visible. For lower eyelid surgery, the incision is either just beneath the eyelashes (if skin is being removed), or hidden on the inside of the lower eyelid.

Is eyelid surgery painful?
Blepharoplasty recovery for most people is not a painful experience. Many people use only acetaminophen (Tylenol), while some prefer some stronger medication for the first few days. If you have also had a brow lift or other procedures performed in conjunction with your eyelid surgery, you may experience more discomfort ranging from increased tenderness to a headache (especially with brow lift).

When will I see the results from my eyelid surgery?
It may take a week or two before the swelling has subsided enough for you to appreciate your initial results. By 6 weeks, you should be looking great. Some people may develop a little scar tissue or prolonged swelling, especially on the lower eyelids that may take 3 months or so to resolve.

How much time should I take off of work for eyelid surgery?
Most people take a week or two off of work. (The stitches will be in for a week). Following the guidelines to avoid salt, exercise, and blood thinners will help prevent a longer recovery.

How long will the results last after eyelid surgery? Will I need to do this again?
The results of eyelid surgery can be expected to last 10-15 years, but it is affected by how genetics as well as how well you take care of your body and your skin. Avoiding the sun as well as not rubbing your eyes will help to protect your investment for many years to come.

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