Face and Eyelid Plastic Surgery Beverly Hills Los Angeles

  Contact : 310-247-3777 or 818-501-4550


chin neck liposuctionEven with diet and exercise, excess accumulation of fat under the chin or on the cheeks can cause fullness and diminish the definition of your jawline or contribute to jowls. Facial liposuction can remove those stubborn fat deposits and return your more youthful contours. In some cases, the suctioned fat is then re-injected into other areas of the face to accommodate for loss of fullness such as in the upper cheeks or under the eyes. Removing a small amount of fat under the neck can provide dramatic results. After liposuction of the neck, your friends may wonder how you managed to lose so much weight.

“I know first-hand that Dr. Hoenig puts his patient’s welfare over his own financial considerations,
and for this reason, to coin a a phrase, my face is in his hands.”

Performed alone, facial liposuction can be carried out with local anesthesia. Often times, it is combined with other surgical procedures such as neck lift, face lift, or fat transfer.

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