Face and Eyelid Plastic Surgery Beverly Hills Los Angeles

  Contact : 310-247-3777 or 818-501-4550

Preparing for Surgery


Starting 2-3 weeks before surgery

  • Stop Smoking: Smoking and nicotine use in any form reduces the circulation to the skin and impedes healing. This can lead to skin loss, infection and scarring.
  • Stop All Medications That Thin Your Blood: Please see the attached list of medications to avoid, including aspirin, advil, motrin, ibuprofen, fish oil, and vitamin E. Even one pill taken before surgery may be enough to cause bleeding.  Tylenol (but not Tylenol Migraine or Arthritis) is safe to take around the time of surgery.  If your doctor prescribed medication for your health, do not stop without his or her consent.
  • Fill Your Prescriptions: You will be given prescriptions for antibiotics, pain pills etcetera. Fill your prescriptions before surgery so that you will have them on hand when you need them.
  • Prepare Food: Buy food that is easy to digest and is low in sodium. For facial surgery, good choices are yogurt, applesauce, fruit to make smoothies, mashed potatoes, etc. Make sure you have enough food for at least several days after surgery so you don’t have to go shopping. Foods with protein will help promote healing.
  • Stock Up: Most likely you will use cold compresses after surgery. Purchase a large bag of frozen peas and smaller Ziploc sandwich bags to divide the peas into. Also buy Dial anti-bacterial soap. If you are having a laser procedure, please purchase a gallon of distilled water and a bottle of pure white vinegar.
  • Arrange Transportation: You must be accompanied by a driver. Unless previously specified by Dr Hoenig, you will not be allowed to drive yourself after surgery.

The Day Before Surgery

  • Pepcid or Tagamet – Take 2 (two) Pepcid AC or Tagamet HB (over the counter) in the morning and again in the evening. Taking these pills will reduce the flow of stomach acid and help prevent an upset stomach from medications given before and during surgery. If your doctor has given you a prescription for these, use them as directed.
  • Antibacterial Soap – The night before surgery, shower and wash the surgical areas with Dial or Hibiclens anti-bacterial soap. Be careful not to get the soap in your eyes!

The Morning of Surgery

  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight. You may brush your teeth but do not swallow the water. A small sip of water is permissible for swallowing medication.
  • Medications: If you regularly take blood pressure or thyroid pills, you should take that as directed, with a small sip of water. Bring the medicine Dr Hoenig prescribed with you.
  • Pepcid or Tagamet: Again, take 2 (two) Pepcid AC or Tagamet HB (over the counter) the morning before surgery with a small sip of water.
  • Antibacterial Soap: Again, wash the surgical areas with anti-bacterial soap. Please do not wear contact lenses, makeup, moisturizers, creams or lotions.
  • Valuables: Do not wear any jewelry. Do not bring any valuables with you.
  • Clothing: Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes that fasten in the front and do not go over your head. You may wish to bring sunglasses, a hat or scarf with which to cover up.
  • Transportation – You must be accompanied by a driver. Unless previously specified by Dr Hoenig, you will not be allowed to drive yourself after surgery.
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