Face and Eyelid Plastic Surgery Beverly Hills Los Angeles

  Contact : 310-247-3777 or 818-501-4550

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser Skin Resurfacing and Chemical Peels remove and repair damaged skin, smooth lines and wrinkles, even out pigmentation or discoloration, and stimulate collagen regeneration by removing the outer layers of skin to reveal the healthy new skin below. These procedures may be performed alone or in conjunction with other aesthetic plastic surgeries.

Men and women starting in their 30s or even younger can benefit from laser skin resurfacing and chemical peel treatments.

Surgical Technique:
The decision to use either laser or chemical peels to improve your skin is based on your skin type, skin thickness, desired result, available recovery time, and any history of previous skin resurfacing procedures. Skin resurfacing can be accomplished on any part of the body, including the eyes, mouth, face, neck, chest, and hands. Dr. Hoenig most commonly uses either the CO2RE (Core) Fractionated Laser to rejuvenate the skin, although he has extensive experience with all types of lasers and various chemical peels including TCA, Jessner’s, Phenol, and Glycolic Acid peels. Other laser treatments such as Profound RF and  are also available to treat pigmentation (brown spots) or fine lines, and loss of skin elasticity, and require little or no down-time.

Surgical Time and Recovery:
Laser Skin Resurfacing or Chemical Peels are performed as an outpatient with local or IV sedation, and take anywhere from 10 minutes to 1 hour depending on the size of the area to be treated. The skin will be covered with ointment for several days to a week after surgery until the damaged skin sloughs off and the new skin grows in. It is imperative to wear sunblock and avoid sun exposure for at least 6 months after the procedure. Most patients return to work after 1 to 2 weeks with or without camouflage makeup.

Related Procedures:
Skin rejuvenation procedures can be combined with a faceliftmidface liftbrowliftnecklifteyelid liftfat transfer, and facial implants. To optimize healing, the depth of the skin resurfacing treatment may be limited by the extent of other procedures you have done at the same time.

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