Face and Eyelid Plastic Surgery Beverly Hills Los Angeles

  Contact : 310-247-3777 or 818-501-4550

Male Plastic Surgery

male plastic surgeryMen can be just as concerned about their looks as women, and now, more then ever, we see an increased acceptance by men to take steps towards maintaining a more youthful or masculine appearance, including plastic surgery.  Different aesthetic ideals apply when rejuvenating a man’s appearance, as opposed to a woman. Maintaining masculine features is essential, as is avoiding an overdone or feminized look.  Dr. Hoenig understands that men have unique concerns about altering their appearance and he can help you rejuvenate your appearance and regain confidence in a way that looks natural. Office based treatments such as botox and fillers require no down time, while surgical procedures may require a week or two to recover.

The most popular facial plastic surgery procedures for men are brow lift, eyelid surgery, facelift, fat transfer, midface lift, injectable fillers, and Botox . To find out more, give us a call or send us a note. We’re happy to answer your questions about male plastic surgery and arrange for your personal consultation with Dr. Hoenig.

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